Our Member Companies.

Our first company acquisition is Kemp Proteins, focused on providing gene-to-protein expression, development, and Dx/pre-GMP biomanufacturing services.
Six.02 is acquiring bioservices companies that specialize in:

  • Protein expression and development services
  • Protein synthesis and engineering services
  • Proteomic services
  • Antibody development and generation services
  • Analytical services related to proteins
  • Small-scale, single-use GMP services
  • Reagent products (antibodies and other proteins)
  • Diagnostic assay products
  • Formulation, stability, and drug delivery services
  • Packaging services, including fill/finish and lyophilization

Join Our Family.

The companies we are acquiring all have one thing in common: They are committed to being best-in-class companies that continually seek to improve quality, efficiency, and client satisfaction in their protein-based bioservices for the life sciences industry.

If this is what your company is about, we’d like to talk with you.

Biological products often represent the cutting edge of biomedical research and, in time, may offer the most effective means to treat a variety of medical illnesses and conditions that presently have no other treatments available.

–U.S. Food & Drug Administration
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Our company name reflects Avogadro's number–6.023 x 1023–defined as the number of atoms or molecules per mole of any substance. The mole is a bridge between our world and the microscopic world–for example, a protein is 3x10-9 moles. Six.02 Bioservices was incorporated on Mole Day (October 23), a date celebrated between 6:02 a.m. and 6:02 p.m. by scientists around the world.